Transformations of the product (at the customer needs / positioning level)

Lista: Product_transformations.list

Laatija(t): Matti Vuori

Copyright: (c) 1999-2011, Matti Vuori

Think about what the product would be like when tranformed into this / this way:

Target group

1. For professionals

2. Different target groups

3. For use by all

4. For consumers

5. For the poor

6. For the rich

7. For the young

8. For the elderly


9. What else could it do?

10. Versatile

11. Specific

12. Can it be replaced by something

13. More generic

How it is used

14. Used more often

15. Used in new environments

16. Used in arctic conditions

17. Used in hospital

Benefits, attractors and sales arguments

18. Longer lasting

19. Is assembled by customer

20. Transportable, portable, moveable

21. Higher quality

22. Add a new flair

23. Personal character

24. More efficient, faster

25. Less efficient, slower

26. Feels safer

27. More familiar

28. Personalized

29. Object of pride in, and worthy of pride

Market positioning

30. Eco product

31. Different style

32. Hi-tech product

33. Top-of-line product

34. Investment commodities

35. Single use, disposable

36. Consumer product

37. Luxurious

Other genres

38. Crazy

39. Cold

40. Happy

41. Intimate

42. Classic

43. Manly

44. Formal, official

45. Unchanging

46. Evolutive

47. Feminine

48. Youthful

49. Ugly

50. Sexy


51. 100 times cheaper

52. 100 times more expensive

Product working principles

53. Automation

54. Gives experiences

55. Physical

56. Decentralized

57. More independent

58. Closed

59. Works backwards

60. Do it electricallt

61. More generic

Functional Solutions

62. Continuously changing

63. Sensible

64. Remote controlled

65. Centralized

66. Attached to the user

67. Shorten the functional chains

68. Microscopic

69. Able to remember

70. Adaptive

71. Learning

72. Teaching

73. Stupid

74. Virtual

75. Visual

76. Connect to something, connect its parts

77. Friendly

78. Intelligent

Technical Solutions

79. Split it into parts

80. Bold, robustness

81. Reorganize it

82. Modular

83. Smaller

84. Place it in whole or in part elsewhere

85. Larger, broader

86. Windows-based program

87. Simple

Utilizing other products

88. Embed it to your mobile phone

89. Attach it into another product

90. Put it in the browser


91. ATM-like

92. TV-like

93. Like a computer

94. Like a computer game


95. Cheetah-like

96. Turn the whole thing upside down

97. Slippery

98. Drop it altogether

99. Warm

100. Transparent, invisible

101. Break it

102. Routine

103. Sticky

104. Dual, multiple it several-fold, 100-fold

Lista päivitetty 15.9.2011

Muut idealistat