Basic ideas of Lean for reflection

Lista: Lean_principles.list

Laatija(t): Matti Vuori

Copyright: (c) 2010-2011, Matti Vuori

Think about how the activities could be improved using these principles:


1. Customer orientation is the most important principle

2. Create a shared mission, vision and quality principles

3. Leaders must be trained

4. Management's task is to prepare their subordinates

5. Trust the people

6. Everything must be okay for anything to works

7. Select the best people to your organisation

8. Employees must be trained continuously

9. Hold on to the staff, know-how goes with people

10. Share all information openly

11. Do not be afraid of information leakage, fear ignorance instead

12. Create an atmosphere of trust

13. Aim for excellence in everything

14. Thinking is a virtue

15. Do not be one-eyed

16. Think about the things in the long run


17. Make a process that adapts instantly to different situations

18. Make everything tailorable

19. Keep structures and technology light

20. Technology is the servant of people and only a tool

21. Technology must be flexible

22. Minimize transfers

23. Minimize interruptions

24. Do not do unnecessary work, unnecessary repetition

25. Do not do things for storage

26. Do only those things for which there is a need

27. Move things away from the critical path

28. Careful planning allows effective implementation

29. Documentation is important for shared understanding

30. Give teams the power if they have sufficient understanding of the objectives, the best information about the customer's needs and priorities as well as the ability to carry out the objectives of

31. Identify the unique features of your actions and act based on them, not on general principles

32. Simplicity is a virtue

33. Prefer visualization and clarity of communication

34. Keep the instructions concise


35. Always think of the customer's best

36. Remember the total goal, the big picture

37. Beware of local optimization

38. Create good conditions for work

39. Maintain an appropriate balance between the renewal and stabilization

40. Freedom requires order

41. Systematic action supports creativity

42. Improvement must be continuous

43. The improvement activities must be distributed quickly throughout the organization

44. Reforms must always be stabilized so that the office has sufficient stability

45. The core of perfection is not measurement, but understanding

46. Perfection is the enemy of good

47. Clarify what the different parties expect from each other

48. Understand the perspectives of others

49. Development of a culture always takes many years - do not search for quick wins


50. Each error may occur only once

51. The life cycle of the error must be as short as possible

52. Figure out the reasons for the errors carefully

53. Teams must make analysis of errors and problems

54. Analysis and structuring tools are useful in analyzing the causes of errors

55. Elimination of errors should also affect the company-level thinking

56. Welcome the error - it is a learning experience

57. Allow room for experimentation where there is room for it

Lista päivitetty 19.9.2011

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