Valokuvaus-sivut / Photography page

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Low fuzz

Like any serious activity, hi-perf snapping should be as trouble free as possible. Especially technical problems with equipment tend to happen when they cause the most harm! These are the most usual problems:

Problems caused by ergonomic "traps"

·   UI that is prone to error: positioning of controls, control logic, bad terminology

·   Possibility to turn camera off by mistake

·   Low feedback on user operations

·   No warnings in critical situations

·   Some operations in practice not possible without a manual (for example functions that require special button presses)

·   Difficult terminology

Loss of battery power

·   Battery life should be long enough for a long session

·   The remaining battery life should be clearly indicated. Unfortunately, most cameras only provide a simple "low battery" warning, which in some cases comes after just a few shots - even though only 10 % of the battery charge has been consumed. This kind of warning light is totally useless.

·   The camera should be able to utilise off the shelf AA alkaline batteries

Dropping parts

·   Everything that is removable or is removed is prone to get lost. A removable lens cap is one example of this

Fear of breaking

·   Durability of small cameras can sometimes be worse than desired. If one needs to be careful when handling the equipment, attention is focused to a wrong place - not the task, but the tools